Testing Kernel Modules with Yocto
This semester, I’ve been working on implementing a Linux device driver for a 7-segment display. Using an Arduino to control such a display wouldn’t be too difficult. However, I wanted to implement a device driver for an actual operating system so that I would have some knowledge of how a kernel module works inside the kernel. I think it’s a good learning experience.
To get started on the development, along with my knowledge of operating systems from the previous course, I read through the Linux Device Drivers to get the basics. Although I heard that the book was outdated, I think it’s a decent starting point since I got to understand what kind of environment the kernel modules operate in, which is quite different from a normal user process. For example, I learned that you can’t use the standard C libraries since they are implemented in user space, and the kernel libraries actually offer a lot of tools so that you don’t need to implement everything from scratch, such as the kfifo circular buffer.
After implementing some device driver code, it was now time to test it. On my naive initial attempt, after checking that it compiled without errors, I ran it directly on my RaspberryPi which resulted in a catastrophe. As soon as the module loaded, a kernel panic occurred, which I wasn’t too surprised by. After several reboots and what-nots, I soon realized I needed a better way to test the modules.
That’s when I decided to use an emulator such as QEMU. However, to run the emulator, we first need an image that the emulator can use to emulate. One might just download an image off the web and run it, which would be fine, but I wanted to automate the process as much as possible, and I think it somehow resulted, just as in the XKCD comics.
After some struggle with Buildroot on the first attempt, I decided to give Yocto a try, and below is how I setup my debugging process.
After getting the initial setup done following the quick build documentation for your Yocto version of interest (I went with Kirkstone), it is time to setup your own layer to incorporate an out-of-tree module into the image. Follow this documentation up to step 4 to create and add your layer to the bitbake build environment.
After following the steps, there should be a new layer in the directory where your poky
clone is at.
A good starting template for your out-of-tree module can be found here, and you can follow this documentation to setup the out-of-tree module.
Below is my recipe for the 7-segment device driver, and some of the additional points to look at would be the md5 checksum on the license, and a subtle update to SRC_URI
to meet the requirements.
At the end of the recipe, we append the prefix kernel-module-
before our recipe name since that is just how it is added by inheriting the module
SUMMARY = "n7d-module"
DESCRIPTION = "Numerical 7-segment display device driver"
LICENSE = "GPL-2.0-or-later"
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=b234ee4d69f5fce4486a80fdaf4a4263"
inherit module
SRCBRANCH = "testing"
SRCREV = "${AUTOREV}" # Fetch the latest
SRC_URI = "git://github.com/thinkty/n7d-lkm.git;protocol=https;branch=${SRCBRANCH}"
S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
RPROVIDES_${PN} += "kernel-module-n7d"
After adding your recipe, we want to make sure that the module is added to the resulting image.
This can be done by adding IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " <module_name>"
to your configuration (conf/local.conf
), which will execute the install_modules
in your kernel module Makefile so your device is visible in the kernel.
As seen in my recipe, I fetch the source from Github from the testing
So, I will need to commit and push any testing changes before I build the image.
Once the setup is done, the debugging process isn’t too bad.
To make sure that bitbake
is available, run source oe-init-build-env <name>
Then, in my case, running bitbake core-image-minimal
will build the minimal cmd-line image for QEMU which I can run with runqemu nographic
to test my module.
Compared to other debugging processes, I think this is quite suitable for now. Later on, I plan to also use Yocto to build the final RaspberryPi image with my device driver installed to run it on the actual machine instead of the emulator.