2022.06 - RPI server


In June, I setup a local server with the Raspberry Pi. I needed a server that was free and easy to manage. The Raspberry Pi 3B+ that I had in hand was a perfect choice. I know the Raspberry Pi is not free but I didn’t have to pay a monthly fee for it.

After searching the web, I found No-IP, a DDNS service that has a free tier which allows the user to have one public domain for free. In order to configure the DDNS with my Pi, I went into my router’s configuration page and setup a static IP for my Pi. Surprisingly, the router actually had No-IP support out of the box, so I didn’t need to run a separate service on my Pi to update its IP with No-IP. With port forwarding enabled, the bare minimum was met to connect to my Pi outside the local network.

Now, I can enter the url on my phone in a different network and access the basic html page that is being served from the Pi. With basic HTTP working, the next step is HTTPS. I already got myself a certificate from Let’s Encrypt, but there are some issues which I am actively looking into. I’m not sure but I think I made a mistake while issuing the certificate so the browser recognizes the certificate but says it is invalid.

In addition to this little Pi project, there has been some updates to the About page. There has been minor style updates and I rewrote most of the work experience descriptions. The major change was done to the projects section by utilizing emojis and just going for a more simpler look in general.

There has also been updates to the Sosizi app which is a web application that I use at my job for monthly news delivery. This application also got some style updates and changes to some of the delivery points. By using the Geolocation API, the user can see his/her location on the map directly but it isn’t really that accurate compared to other navigation applications native to the platform. I guess that is just the limit of web apps?

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