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03 Aug 2024
Programming STM32 Using VSCode on Linux
Although there is the STM32CubeIDE, some prefer not to be locked into a specific IDE. So, I wanted to write a post on how to setup VSCode on Linux to program STM32s. (Does this mean I’m now locked into VSCode?)
21 May 2024
Graduation and Regrets
I did it. Two weeks ago, I finally got my bachelor’s degree. Four years in college and two years in military service were not short, but they weren’t that long either. With one of the biggest milestones in my life done, I had taken my next step.
29 Apr 2024
Linux Bottom Half
The information in this post may not be up-to-date, and it is primarily for my learning purposes. Please feel free to email me with any incorrect information.
24 Feb 2024
Analyzing Homepage Traffic
I’ve recently switched from using Lamdba@Edge to Cloudfront Functions as it was a better option for my use case. I’ve covered it briefly in this post.
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