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24 Feb 2024
Analyzing Homepage Traffic
I’ve recently switched from using Lamdba@Edge to Cloudfront Functions as it was a better option for my use case. I’ve covered it briefly in this post.
16 Feb 2024
Serial Communication via Software
Continuing from the last project (7-segment display device driver), I wanted to expand the project to use hardware interrupts. So, this project was aimed towards implementing a software approach to serial communication that is able to handle both transmission and receival (TX/RX).
10 Jan 2024
Using Cloudfront Functions instead of Lambda
Recently, I had to upgrade the Node.js version on my AWS Lambda function. The function was a pretty simple URI parser which was needed for my homepage to add/remove file extensions to the requested URL. For example, when a user first visits thinkty.net/, they probably want to see my homepage which is actually thinkty.net/index.html and not the home directory. So, for those cases, a Lambda function (Lambda@Edge) would intervene and update the URI accordingly to ensure that the user sees what they want. To learn more about homepage setup using AWS tools, checkout my other post.
19 Nov 2023
N7D - Linux Device Driver
Beginning my journey into embedded systems, I wanted to know how to make device drivers for Linux. I started with the Linux Device Drivers 3rd edition (available on LWN.net). Although the book is a little outdated, I highly recommend reading it as it has useful information about the concepts of the kernel, and various kernel level APIs & subsystems that are still used today.
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